Why does jazz choreographer Buddy Bradley still matter ? How is it that he still touches our lives today?
We will examine these ideas and all things Buddy Bradley together at the Columbia University Studies in Dance Seminar, Monday, February 24 at 6 pm. where I will present my research for the upcoming biography: Feel the Floor: Restoring the Life and Legacy of Jazz Choreographer Buddy Bradley.
DM for a Zoom link.
#tap dance #jazzdance
#Feel the Floor: Restoring the Life and Legacy of Jazz Choreographer Buddy Bradley

Goodbye 2024. A year of learning, friendship, and love, centered on the story of Buddy Bradley.

A tiny Cessna to leave the Cape. Maybe I should reconnect with my fellow pilgrims from Thursday?!

Thanksgiving in an 18th century house on the Cape, filled with my fantastic nieces and nephew ( godson off conserving wildlife in Zulu land) and adored sister and fun brother in law. Long walks, gorgeous light, lamb for dinner(!), mornings in the kitchen, stories of soccer and the Harkness Method, make up tips ( invaluable), swim meet updates, and travel plans. My heart is full.
As I am now unraveling Buddy Bradley’s story in the 1950s, I couldn’t resist selecting one of his favorites, How High the Moon, for the soundtrack.!

Fellow pilgrims. At the last minute the Thanksgiving flight to Cape Cod was canceled but found three strangers—-a third year resident in psychiatric medicine, a tech investor, and an international scuba coach—hired a driver and spent the day in the car making new friends. We’re booked for a repeat next year.

Last New York City Ballet party picture—with the Fabulous Four: Parker Hubbard, Damian Gordy Fernandez, moi, my Allegro Circle vice-chair, Matthew Rooney, and Ed Ku.
Now like Cinderella I return to the writing cave (2) and immerse myself in World WarII and Buddy Bradley living in the Blitz and sparkling stages despite blackouts, shortages of male dancers, bombed theatres.
Photo @ladiesofmadisonave

Princes of the dance. NYCity ballet principal Chun Wai Chan (1) and soloist and fashion muse, the statuesque Gilbert Bolden III. ❤️❤️❤️from your biggest fan.
@coffinierku in the beyond
Photo credit @ladiesofmadisonave

Let’s meet at the fountain—magic words for many! New York City Ballet Fashion Gala with my BFF (Best Balletomane Friend) Ed Ku.
All hail! The evening displayed three women choreographers @greisen3 @tilerpeck @caili.quan !!!! Long may they grace our stages.
Photo by Julie Skarratt
@dior @nycballet

Ballet posse Fall 2024 at @nycballet Fall Fashion Gala.
Three cheers for three women choreographers, @tilerpeck @greisen3 @caili.quan plus Saint-Saens, Poulenc, and Philip Glass!!
@coffinierku @gabbyyortegaa @parkerest @dnfzk @dior #dior